The team attended the PRS June training event in RENO NV, to assist rookie Jet racer Joe ‘FACE PUNCH” Swindel achieve his certification to race jets around the Reno Air Race track. FACE PUNCH is currently serving in the US Navy, his regular ride is the C-2 Greyhound (COD) but he traded the COD for a much prettier aircraft, our Miss Independence the teams L29 Delphin Jet #61.

In addition to Face Punch gaining his certification, Kevin Roll also qualified during PRS, renewing his Air Racing certification in the L39 Albatros #19. Kevin has been flying at Reno for many years, is retired US Airforce and a trainer on the F16.

Team Owner Charlie ‘SQUID’ Camilleri supported the jet racers during PRS as ground crew, aircraft and crew refueler and liquid replenisher.
The team are looking forward to racing again in September!